RAMEM‘s R&D department, though its trademark IONER, develops prototypes and proprietary instrumentation in Aerosol and Nanoparticle Science within European R&D projects collaborating with the most reputed Research centers and companies.

Aerosol Technology

Aerosol Technology
IONER® counts with a full line of instruments for the generation, charging, classification and detection of aerosols. The core of his technology is Differential Mobility Analysis (DMA) in planar geometry, a technology that has been protected under 4 international patents.


RAMEM can collaborate in increasing the TRL level of your developments approaching the final product ready to launch in the market. In RAMEM we are able to offer a complete bunch of services according to the needs of the technology: from design, calculations, engineering, mechanical and electronic developments and testing

RAMEM participates in the most important national and European projects with recognized research centers and universities.

FP7: Buonapart -E: Better Upscaling and Optimization of Nanoparticle and Nanostructure Production by Means of Electrical Discharges: http://www.buonapart-e.eu/

FP7 GIFT: Generic Integrated Forensic Toolbox for CBRN incidents. http://www.giftforensics.eu.

FP7: NanoDefine:Development of an integrated approach based on validated and standardized methods to support the implementation of the EC recommendation for a definition of nanomaterial. http://nanodefine.eu

Eurostars: GANS: Gas Aerosol Nucleation Spectrometer

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